Sunday, January 17, 2010

18 months old!

Well it's hard to believe that my baby is 18 months old. He is growing so quickly and its amazing. He is into his blanket (big time) and he calls it gee. He is still in love with his paci ans we are NOT allowed to leave the house without the 2 of those things.
He is wanting to be outside all the time. During that day ill take him out there for a little bit but then he knows as soon as brother gets home from school that he can go out there. The boys have been out there up to 2 hours a day. The weather has been in the 70's so there loving it out there (as am I)! My baby is growing up quickly and has a great personality.

*24 lbs., 31 in long, and 191/2 cm for his head.*

1 comment:

About us... said...

Pa and I were just talking about how much he has changed lately. He can do so much and understands everything, but, he is still such a cuddly little guy! Love you Ryan ! Nana and Pa