Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Ryan sitting in the lodge ready for a nap.

Yesterday we went up to Sunrise to do some snowboarding. It was Me, Craig, Riley, Ryan, Aundrea, Maggie and my dad. My dad cme and picked us up at 4:30 in the am and we were on our way up to Sunrise. It was chilly up there. The roads were covered with snow once we had passed through Payson. We got up to Sunrise around 9 a.m. We were going to put Riley and Maggie in the 90 min. snowbaording class but at 9 a.m. they were selling tickets for the 1:30 class so we decided to not sign them up. Aundreas has been snowboarding plenty of times ans is good so she decided she would give the kids plus Craig a few pointers. They got all gearded up and went down the bunny hill. It was Riley's first time, Maggie went a little last year and Craig had not tried since he was about 12. Maggie went first and did extremely well. Riley went and did very good. Craig went on fell on his butt instantly. Riley had never done it again and gets vert irritated easily so i was a little worried but he did great and wa ready o do it again. They went down the bunny hill one more time. After that they decided to go midway up the mountain. I was shocked to see RIley going up that tall and long ski lift but he was ready. Ryan And I as well as Grandpa went up to the lodge while they did that. Ryan was such a good boy the whole time :)
So they had gone down the big hill and Riley did great. Maggie was cruising the whole time down. Craig didn't do so well. He did a few summersalts down the hill then decided he couldn't do it anymore and walked down half the mountain. I wish I could have seen that. The day was really fun and Riley has found his new sport he loves so we will be making a few more trips up there this season.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Too long

He is getting so big.

He needs a haircut but still handsome

You know your baby is getting big when he can hold his bottle :(

They were matching.

So it's been a while since i've posted. It has been crazy with christmas coming up i've been trying to get everything done. We will be having a busy Christmas but always fun. Riley is so excited and he has asked santa for a Nintendo WII which grandpa got for him (thanks dad). So craig and I gor him the Guitar hero to go with it. I can't wait for him to get it on Christmas Day.

We took Ryan to his GI appointment on Thursday which went well it was hard to see him strapped down but he was so good. The doctor doing the test said he didn't see anything wrong with his anatomy so that was good and yesterday i got a call for the doctor office confirming that. We are so happy we won't need to pursue anything else with that we will just have a small baby:)

We are looking forward to Christmas and post after that. Everyone have a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ryan eating baby food.

So on monday the 10th the doctor told me that i can start feeding Ryan stage 1 foods. I can't believe it that m 4 month old baby is eating baby food. We were told to start out with all the vegetables and then we can do the fruit. So on tuesday RIley and I fed ryan his first set of baby food. We decided we would try squash first. He seems to have liked it and he eat half the jar the first day. Now on day 3 which is thursday he is now wanting to eat he whole jar. I still can't believe it. I feel as now that's he's on baby food he's not as much as my baby as he was before:( He is doing great his weight was down but we will be taking him to a specialist to see if he has reflex so hopefully that will come back as he is ok. Here are his oictures of his first time eating baby food. His Stats were: 11.10 lbs., 42cm his head, and 24.7 in long.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Riley's Birthday

On Sunday Nov. 9Th my 1st baby boy turns "7" I still can't believe Riley is 7 years old. He is a great kid whom we love so much. He has been an amazing helper since the arrival of his brother. He is starting to do things on his own without needing help or being told to. For his birthday we had decided he wanted to go to Amazing Jake's. We had all of Craig and I families there Riley's friend Emilee. He had such a great time but once again when it came time to blow out the candles on his cake he was not having it and threw a fit. I can't believe at 7 years old and he's still doing that. Here are some pics not all the best but you'll get the jest of it :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

San Diego Oct. 2008

Riley had October Break this past week so Craig and I had decided to take him to Sea World while he was on break. We made it a quick 3 day trip but still had fun. We got in saturday went to Sea world on Sunday the beach on Monday then headed home monday afternoon. It was beautiful weather and we enjoyed it we love Sea World.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The best time!

This is the best time of the day. This is when I get to sleep and relax and have my alone time. They are so darn cute!

Monday, October 6, 2008

About time

I have decided I would start a blog that I could share what is going on with me and the kids. We have a pretty busy life these days. Riley is currently in 1st grade. He is excelling very well in his school work i am so proud of him. He will be having a birthday coming up in a month and he'll be 7 hard to believe where did time go? Ryan is changing so much everyday it's amazing. He will be 3 months on the 9th. He is smiling so much more and very interested in what is going on around him. My boys are amazing and Riley has grown so much since Ryan was born and he loves his brother so much he never wants to be without him. It's really cute but at times but we have to force him to do something for him or he would do nothing but sit by his brother.