Thursday, February 5, 2009

Getting so big..

So today my baby has woken up with two bottom teeth. I can't believe it. He is getting so big. He is finally sitting up all on his own and now teeth! He is still tall, skinny and a big nogin. We had the Hospital nurse visit yesterday and she said he is develpoing very well and they couldn't be happier. Now the teeth have begun to pop through it's just a matter of time till he has a lot more. Love you Ryan.
Tried to get pictures of his teeth but c ouldn't get him to move his tounge. Another time.


The {G} Family said...

Oh my gosh - teeth! ryan, you are supposed to stay a BABY and wait for Sami to catch up to you! LOL I can't believe he's so big, so fast!

Kelli Fisk said...

It's about time you joined the teeth club, Ryan! Now you and Mayci can chomp on goldfish together! Very sweet.

snowthedirtbub said...

Hey sis i cant believe ryan flippen grew teeth hi getting big 2 fast i wont have a nephew that is a baby anymore i love you all hope you have fun moving

snowthedirtbub said...

this is maggie